We’re about 90% done unpacking here at The House of Wood. We’d be further along had the movers not packed the potpourri. Stay with me for a second – the movers wrapped each piece of potpourri in packing paper, put those adorable little packages in a box, taped up the box, and labeled it “Christmas reefs.”
Yep – R-E-E-F-S. (I can only assume they meant “wreaths.”) And when I opened up our boxes at our new destination, I had the pleasure of unwrapping every. single. dried. petal.
You guys, I think I just got punk’d.
I mean, I can’t even make this stuff up.
Of course, my workshop was one of the first spaces I unpacked and got in order because: PRIORITIES. My pegboard tool wall worked so well for me at our old house that I decided to recreate it for my new workshop. Here’s a tutorial on how to hang pegboard.
Just looking at this space makes me breathe a little easier.
Have you seen this cute pink organizing tote at Hobby Lobby and Joanns? It’s called the Large Rack System from Creative Options. (And no, I don’t store my potpourri petals in there. Thanks for asking.)
Because I’ve been known to have more than a few screws loose, I figured it was the perfect place to get my act together. So let’s unpack this thing, shall we?
Does this photo make you giddy? Just me?
Okay then.
In the top tray, there are customizable little ‘cubbies’ and because I have the memory of a goldfish, I used my label maker to print out labels for each screw type and length. I can’t tell you how much I love how neat and tidy this is. #obsessed
I love that I can just take this entire tote to wherever I’m working and find what I need quickly and easily. My previous setup involved empty peanut butter jars. Lots of empty peanut butter jars. We had to eat our weight in peanut butter. But that’s okay, because peanut butter is wonderful and delicious. A worthy cause indeed, but I do like this method so much better.
In the second tray, I store my more frequently used fasteners. I use mostly pocket hole joinery when I build furniture, so I keep a healthy supply of pocket hole screws in different lengths and threads on-hand. The different threads are for different wood species – generally, fine-thread screws are used when joining hardwoods, while coarse-thread screws are better suited for softwood and plywood material.
In the bottom tray, I keep some painting supplies tucked away. Those painter’s pyramids and bench cookies are so helpful when painting or staining projects because they keep my workpiece elevated. Total game-changers.
In the top compartment, I keep more finishing supplies: painter’s tape, full sanding sheets in 320- and 400-grit, detail and orbital sanding sheets in 150- and 220-grit. I also keep a cat o’ nine tails and other ancient torture devices in there because sanding is truly the bane of my existence.
(Just checking to see if you’re paying attention.)
Okay, before I get back to unpacking more singular scented surprises, I’ll leave you with this last photo of my organized screws in my Creative Options Large Rack Storage System. It makes my heart go pitter-pat.
*This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® & Creative Options, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #Storagewithstyle http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV
I would like to win any one tools that you offer.
omg, I love this! Thanks for the ideas for organizing the mess that is my garage.
I NEED this organizer in my life!!!