Do you send out holiday cards every year? We do and we have a little too much fun with it. Take a look at our Christmas card from a few years ago. Ridiculous, I know. And creepy. Sleep well, friends.
By the way, I’m still determined to single-handedly bring back the side ponytail. It’ll happen. #goals
We usually get family photos taken around late Fall; they’re the perfect way to add a personal touch to our cards. Along with family photos, I like to include a year-end review. I found these really nice Booklette™ and Minibook™ cards from Minted and fell in love. Aren’t they beautiful? And look how perfectly they match our outfits! Totally didn’t plan that, it was just meant to be.
We had our photos taken by Shelby Leigh Photography. Shelby and her family are our newest friends and we just love them to death. Even though we’ve only known them for a few short months, we immediately hit it off and it feels like we’ve known them forever. It’s actually borderline uncomfortable when our husbands get together because there’s a little too much bromance going on for Shelby and me.
But these are good problems to have, aren’t they? We are incredibly thankful for fast yet profound friendships and a support system so effortlessly established here at our new duty station. Military life is funny that way. You either jump with both feet in or sit on the sidelines. There is no middle ground.
In other news, I think I have carpal tunnel in my right wrist, which is weird because I’m left-handed. I’d bribe my husband to address these envelopes, but he has the handwriting of a serial killer.
As much as I want to, I couldn’t possibly afford to mail every single one of you a Christmas card, so I hope this post will suffice. Just know that I am fiercely thankful for each person who stops by this little online space of mine, shares a post, builds something amazing, leaves a lovely comment, and just generally chooses to spend his/her valuable time with me, however brief.
You inspire me. You motivate me. You keep me from camping out on the couch, eating Nestle Bon Bons (do they still make those?) in my pajama pants, getting sucked into an endless marathon of America’s Next Top Model. And let’s face it, my ‘smize’ could use some improvement.
So from my family to yours, we’re wishing you the happiest of holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you in 2016!
Beautiful family! Merry Christmas Jen!
Such a beautiful family, I’m so glad I found you through Gina’s periscopes. Such talent deserves sharing! I just watched your scope replay on the cabin bed reveal, every kid dreams of something that awesome for their bedroom and I’m glad your son loved it!
Happy New Year!