Hello and happy Spring! After a long, long winter, the weather is finally (FINALLY!) warming up here and we’ve all been itching to get outside in the glorious sunshine again. Yesterday was 72 degrees F and breezy – absolutely gorgeous. I’ve decided that 72 is my most favorite degree. This DIY tree swing was the perfect project for the breezy Spring days ahead.
We took a quick trip to Lowes and picked up some 5/8″ braided polypropylene rope and some latex paint. We bought 40 feet of rope because our tree limb was about 15 feet off the ground. We figured we’d need about 15 x 2 + 5 feet of rope. Look at me! I’m doing “the maths,” as I like to call it! Listen, if you assumed I’d be good at “the maths” just because I’m Asian, then you’d be dead wrong.
Of course, my little girlie girl wanted a pink swing. She chose “Berry Twist” by Valspar. I tried to entice her with Radiant Orchid, Pantone’s color of the year, but this girl is serious about her pink. As soon as we got back home, I picked through my scrap wood pile in my garage and found an old 2×10 board and cut it to about 24″ long and drilled a hole in each corner (about 2″ from the edges) with a 3/4″ spade bit.
My little girl was so excited about her tree swing that she wanted to pose with it. “Take a picture of me and my swing, Mom.”
I gave her a foam brush and let her paint her swing seat. Look at that little Southpaw, just like her mommy.
We only painted the underside because I knew she wouldn’t be able to wait for the paint to dry before taking it for a swing (see what I did there?). My plan is to paint the other side once she’s done swinging for the day, so it can dry while she sleeps.
Here’s my husband risking his life to hang it up. What a good daddy. And so stylish too, with his combat boots and shorts. #backoffhesmine #Godhelphim I was sending up some serious prayers here, you guys. Please don’t fall. Please don’t fall. Please don’t fall. Thank you Jesus.
We didn’t tie any fancy knots, just a simple knot at the swing seat and at the branch. We threaded the rope through one hole in the seat and then back up through another hole, double-tied it, then hung it from the branch and tied a couple knots up there. I didn’t want it too high off the ground because I’m paranoid about everything. Plus, it’s at just the right height that my 3-year-old can get on it without too much trouble. Then my husband and I each took it for a swing, to set the knots. I know what you’re thinking… yes, we’re kids at heart, but we swing in the name of children’s safety!
Don’t tree swings just bring out that nostalgic feeling in you? We spent the entire day playing outside and the kids smelled like childhood… you know that smell: sunshine and sweat and pure happiness. Ahh… I love it. Here’s to the warmer days ahead!
Great tutorial. And what a fun project to do with the kids!
Thanks for sharing. Pinned!
Thanks for stopping by, Melanie!
Awesome! I love this, I remember the one my grandfather made for me as a little girl. Now to find the best tree in the yard and make one for myself. Thanks for sharing! pinning this 🙂
You’re welcome!
There’s a better, safer way to hang a tree swing; tie a slip knot in one end of the rope and tie a wrench or something to a piece of heavy string attached to the other end. Toss the wrench over the branch, feed it through the slip knot loop and pull it until it’s tight around the branch. No climbing!
Thanks for the tip, Scott!
It looks easy to assemble and well made. My kids and wife would definitely love it. We had wood tree swings from treeswingstore.com and they really like and enjoy it.
Hi Jen, I love reading this article for it refreshed my mind in terms of the idea of wood tree swings. I love the idea but can you share the cost also. I always wanted wood tree swings and had several designs I saw on treeswingstore.com that I want to copy. Can you make any suggestions for some stores as well?
Hi, thank you very much for your advice. I’ve been wanting to build a homemade tree swing for our yard for a while, but I’m starting to worry that I might have purchased the wrong parts.